
About the Kingdom of Kalisto

Kingdom of Kalisto is a website originally dedicated to Anime and Anime-related video games.  This scope has widened over the years to include traditional American animation as well as other topics.  The site is lightly themed as a Medieval kingdom.  Here you will find desktop wallpapers, music, and videos from your favorite anime and video games.  More recently, a blog has been added.  Kingdom of Kalisto was first launched September 21, 2001.  Since then, it has gone through many changes and incarnations.  This site has always been hosted on a home server.  As such, we have never needed to fly an advertisement to pay for bandwith.  Despite the humble beginning and implemtation, Kingdom of Kalisto has outlasted many other similarly-focused sites.  We do not have all the bells and whistles other places do (or did).  I look back and see that almost every site that Kalisto shared company with in its beginning has since disappeared - yet Kalisto remains.  That is one hell of an accomplishment...